156 research outputs found

    Manufacturing of the anchoring element of a solar collector

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    V této diplomové práci je řešen návrh technologie výroby součásti – kotvicího prvku solárního panelu z oceli jakosti 1.0038 (11 375), tloušťky 5 mm. Pro výrobu zadané součásti je zvolena technologie postupového stříhání a ohýbání a navržen sdružený postupový nástroj včetně vhodného tvářecího stroje o jmenovité síle 8 000 kN. Navržený způsob výroby je podložen technicko-ekonomickým zhodnocením s ohledem na výrobní sérii 150 000 ks ročně. Kotvicí prvek slouží k uchycení rámu pro solární vakuový trubicový kolektor. V rámci této diplomové práce bylo taktéž provedeno posouzení stávajícího způsobu výroby včetně volby vhodného polotovaru pro výrobu a navržena jejich optimalizace.In this master's thesis the proposal of the production technology of component – solar collector anchor element from steel 1.0038 (11 375) quality, 5 mm thickness is solved. For the manufacturing of the assigned part the shearing and bending technology and a progressive forming tool including a suitable forming machine of 8,000 kN rated power is selected. The proposed method of production is laid down by a technical-economic evaluation with respect to the production series of 150,000 units per year. The solar collector anchor element serves to hold the frame for the solar vacuum tube collector. In the scope of this master's thesis, an assessment of the current production method, including the selection of a suitable semi-finished product for production, was also carried out and their optimization was proposed.

    Ancient glass: Conclusions Based on the Analysis of the Collection at the Prague National Museum

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    The ancient glass collection of the National Museum has more than 200 completely intact and so far - beside few exceptions - unpublished vessels which encompass a wide chronological framework from the 5th century BC until the end of antiquity. The core of the collection is composed of mold-blown and free-blown glass. The analysis of the collection offers a view into the history of the ancient glass production; examples of all kinds of production methods can be found in it - from a corn-formed glass, through a glass made by sagging into a form, and up to a mold-blown and free-blown glass. A great number of various decoration techniques and styles used in antiquity are represented in the collection; also, it contains vessels from various places within the Roman Empire, as well as outside of it. The major part of the work comprises blown glass from the Roman imperial period (chapter four), both free-blown and mold-blown, and from this virtually half are unguentaria of various types. Almost all types of vessel produced in this period are found in this chapter. The vessels were ordered according to types - e.g. open shapes, closed shapes and in the framework of these types they are arranged further - according to other criteria which create other sub-groups - as for example forms without a foot or on a...Sbírka antického skla Národního muzea čítá přes 200 vesměs intaktních, dosud až na pár výjimek, nepublikovaných nádob, které zahrnují široký chronologický rámec od 5. století př. n. l. do konce antiky. Jádro sbírky tvoří foukané sklo do formy i z volné ruky. Rozbor sbírky nabízí pohled do historie antické sklářské výroby, nacházejí se v ní příklady všech výrobních postupů, od skla formovaného na hlinité jádro, přes sklo zhotovované leháním do formy k foukanému sklu do formy i z volné ruky. Ve sbírce je zastoupeno mnoho různých dekoračních technik a stylů praktikovaných v antice, rovněž se v ní nacházejí nádoby z mnoha různých míst římského impéria i mimo něj. Hlavní část práce tvoří foukané sklo římského císařství (kapitola čtyři) zhotovované z volné ruky i foukáním do formy, z toho prakticky polovinu tvoří unguentaria různých typů. Až na několik výjimek je většina zhotovena z přirozeně zbarveného skla různé intenzity nazelenalého nebo modrozeleného zabarvení. V této kapitole se nacházejí téměř všechny možné typy nádob zhotovovaných v tomto období. Nádoby byly seřazeny na základě typů - např. tvary otevřené, tvary uzavřené a v rámci těchto typů dále na základě dalších kritérií, které vytvářejí další podskupiny, jako například formy bez nožky, na nožce, s uchem, bez uch, se dvěma uchy apod. Tak...Institute for Classical ArcheologyÚstav pro klasickou archeologiiFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Gnathia Pottery in The National Museum, Prague

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    The expression of the accuracy of the gauge and measurement

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    Práce řeší otázku přesnosti měření, přesnosti měřidel a jejich vyjadřování. Nastiňuje legislativní základ metrologie v České republice a interpretuje definice základních termínů používaných v metrologii, uvedené v novém vydání Mezinárodního metrolo-gického slovníku (VIM 3:2007). Specifikuje a na jednoduchých příkladech vysvětluje chy-by měření a uvádí možnosti jejich eliminace. Dále popisuje jednoduchý způsob stanovení nejistoty měření. Smyslem této práce je vyložit uvedenou problematiku tak, aby byla srozumitelná a použi-telná pro běžnou metrologickou praxi.The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of measurement, accuracy of measuring instruments and their expressing. It outlines the legislative basis of metrology in the Czech Republic and interprets the definitions of basic terms used in metrology. These definitions are listed in the new edition of International dictionary of metrology (VIM 3:2007). It specifies and exemplifies measurement errors and presents possibilities of their elimination. Further, it describes a simple way of measurement uncertainty determination. The aim of this thesis is to explain the issue in a way that it is understandable and can be applicable for the common metrology practice.

    Optimization of the position of single-lead wireless sensor with low electrodes separation distance for ECG-derived respiration

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    A classical method for estimation of respiratory information from electrocardiogram (ECG), called ECG - derived respiration (EDR), is using flexible electrodes located at standard electrocardiography positions. This work introduces an alternative approach suitable for miniaturized sensors with low inter-electrode separation and electrodes fixed to the sensor encapsulation. Application of amplitude EDR algorithm on single-lead wireless sensor system with optimized electrode positions shows results comparable with standard robust systems. The modified method can be applied in daily physiological monitoring, in sleep studies or implemented in smart clothes when standard respiration techniques are not suitable

    Advanced Wireless Sensors Used to Monitor the Impact of Environment Design on Human Physiology

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    This article describes modern wireless sensor devices and their application in the measurements of the human physiology. We used our own advanced ECG Holter device and EEG helmet to record the heart and brain activity impacted by different environments, materials, colors or body positions during work. In this paper, we want to show the interactions between humans and architecture design, which modify human work performance and well-being. This paper is a conclusion of the 3 different pilot studies, where different scopes of human-space interaction were explored. In the experiments, we aimed mostly at wood materials and their beneficial effects on the nervous system. The research in its actual state is primarily focused on optimizing the methods of the ECG data analysis from our Holter device and the EEG data from helmet. Based on these data, we will improve the methodology of the experiments for the next enhanced research with aspiration to automate data analysis

    The Time of Extravagance and a “Crescent‑Shaped Glass Bottle” from the Collection of Classical Antiquities of the National Museum, Prague

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    The collection of the National Museum in Prague contains also an atypical crescent‑shaped glass bottle (inv. no. H10-142). It is one of the oldest acquisitions in the collection and it was no longer possible to find any information concerning its provenance. It is a vessel of a curious shape and unknown function, with no known comparanda. Analysis of its elementary composition has shown that it is made of natron glass. In comparison with other samples taken from Roman glass of the 1st–3rd centuries AD from the collection of the National Museum, the difference is minimal; it differs only by a slightly lower concentration of CaO, MgO, TiO2 and MnO. Therefore, it may probably be considered another experimental product of the Roman glassmakers, such as, for example – the rhyta, the flask with doves from Cologne or the small vessels in the shape of various animals

    Annual pollen traps reveal the complexity of climatic control on pollen productivity in Europe and the Caucasus

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    Annual PAR (pollen accumulation rates; grains cm−2year−1) were studied with modified Tauber traps situated in ten regions, in Poland (Roztocze), the Czech Republic (two regions in Krkonoše, two in Šumava), Switzerland (4 regions in the Alps), and Georgia (Lagodekhi). The time-series are 10-16years long, all ending in 2007. We calculated correlations between pollen data and climate. Pollen data are PAR summarized per region (4-7 traps selected per region) for each pollen type (9-14 per region) using log-transformed, detrended medians. Climate data are monthly temperature and precipitation measured at nearby stations, and their averages over all possible 2- to 6-month windows falling within the 20-month window ending with August, just prior to the yearly pollen-trap collection. Most PAR/climate relationships were found to differ both among pollen types and among regions, the latter probably due to differences among the study regions in the habitats of plant populations. Results shared by a number of regions can be summarized as follows. Summer warmth was found to enhance the following year's PAR of Picea, Pinus non-cembra, Larix and Fagus. Cool summers, in contrast, increase the PAR of Abies, Alnus viridis and Gramineae in the following year, while wet summers promote PAR of Quercus and Gramineae. Wetness and warmth in general were found to enhance PAR of Salix. Precipitation was found to be more important for PAR of Alnus glutinosa-type than temperature. Weather did not have an impact on the PAR of Gramineae, and possibly of Cyperaceae in the same year. Care is advised when extrapolating our results to PAR in pollen sequences, because there are large errors associated with PAR from sediments, due to the effects of taphonomy and sedimentation and high uncertainty in dating. In addition, in pollen sequences that have decadal to centennial rather than near-annual resolution, plant-interaction effects may easily out-weigh the weather signa

    Comparison of Terbutryn Acute Toxicity to Danio rerio and Poecilia reticulata

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    Abstract The aim of the present study was to determine and compare acute toxicity of terbutryn in Danio rerio and Poecilia reticulata, and in two different developmental stages of D. rerio -embryonic and juvenile. Acute toxicity tests were performed according to OECD methodology. The LC50 values were assessed by probit analysis using EKO-TOX 5.2 programme. The 96hLC50 terbutryn mean value of 5 tests was 2.85 ± 0